I can not help but belive that the oil companies and an organization like the CIA were somehow behind this revolution.


How could I go to a place (USA) that had undone me?
Increasingly, I began to believe that the United States had played a major role in doing just that.


... for the last year and a half, American promises had not been worth very much.
They had already cost me my throne and any further trust in them could well mean my life.


I will make the iranians life standard, equal the europeans life standard in the next 10 years, and in the next 20 years, our life standard will go past the life standard of the american people.


If there are anyones who are going to invade Iran, they must go over 35 million iranians bodies first.


We will not attack any other countries with our strong millitary force.


We have always been first out to be friends with the west and the east.


We no longer want a "lord" for our country.


50 % of our people are under 15 years old.
Imagine what kind of flowering we will have in 10 years.


If you cut my hands I will not sign the independence of Azerbajdjan.


The west wants us to always be poor and hungary.


I want my people to have happines, welfare, security and justice.
To give them that, I will give my life.


My heart bled at what I saw happening to my country


The Communists are waiting for Khomeini to lead my country into chaos and poverty.


Is it necessary to add that Iran has no more reason to tolerate terrorism than the italians have to tolerate the activities of the Red Brigades or the Germans the demands of the Baader Meinhof gang?


I am devoted to my country and that is the most beautifull thing that could happen me.


We have all kind of freedom in our country, except the freedom of betraying our country.


I wanted nothing for my self.
All my thoughts and goals was to ensure Irans future, so Iran and my people could always live free and independent.
My goal was not a dream or satanic.


Our support is our great value, which is our youths.


I can not help but belive that the oil companies and an organization like the CIA were somehow behind this revolution.


These so called Islamic tribunals are an insult to the exalted principles of the Holy Koran.
